The Montessori Commitment is between PPMET (our Trust) and our whanau. We know that in order to have a thriving Montessori community it takes a village. We cannot offer our programme without the help of our wonderful families and their commitment to Montessori education. We find it helpful to state upfront what this commitment looks like so we are all on the same page.

Community Commitment:

I am committed to being an active member of the Montessori community and continuing to learn about what it means to hold these values within the Montessori Unit @ Berhampore.

  • is where children discover the joy in learning 

  • is a place of purposeful creativity and freedom with responsibility

  • is respectful of difference and embraces diversity 

  • is a strong nurturing community 

  • is committed to an authentic Montessori experience 

  • is an environment that supports the whole child to thrive